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What Is The Cosmic Wheel? (Part 1)

“The nearest I have yet got to an answer is that we seek an enlargement of our being.

We want to be more than ourselves.

Each of us by nature sees the whole world from one point of view with a perspective and a selectiveness peculiar to himself. And even when we build disinterested fantasies, they are saturated with, and limited by, our own psychology. To acquiesce in this particularity on the sensuous level—in other words, not to discount perspective—­would be lunacy. . . .

[W]e want to escape the illusions of perspective on higher levels too. We want to see with other eyes, to imagine with other imaginations, to feel with other hearts, as well as with our own. . . . We demand windows. Literature as Logos is a series of windows, even of doors. One of the things we feel after reading a great work is ‘I have got out’. Or from another point of view, ‘I have got in’; pierced the shell of some other monad and discovered what it is like inside.”

-C.S. Lewis, An Experiment in Criticism (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1961)

"Good fiction is not real, but it is true."

-K.B. Hoyle


First and foremost, I want to begin by saying what this is and what this isn’t. Fundamentally it is a work of fiction. In so, it is made up and constructed for entertainment and inspiration in hopes for someone to broaden their horizons, reflect on their own inner workings, and take action in reality. What it isn’t is a new dogma that explains the theories of the world’s religions and how they can all harmonize with one another flawlessly. I am no theologian, although I do have formal theological training and have studied theology and doctrine heavily my entire adult life. But in no way should anyone take my word over serious, academically trained scholars who actually know what they’re talking about.

What we will be getting into here in this monthly blog is a world-building tool for The Everlasting Epoch of The Cosmic Wheel. As I stated prior, I’ve been diving deep into theology and doctrine my entire adult life, trying to figure out how to understand why I believe what I believe. I have poured all I have learned (and still learning) into the fantastical universe of The Cosmic Wheel. But instead of taking all the things I’ve learned and creating my very own universe from scratch as more impressive writers have done, I’ve decided to have fun with the one we live in and make it a little more harmonized and little more…well, magical. Although I do come from a Christian worldview, as this is my faith and background, the creatures, ideas, and myths will not be specifically Christian in dogma. I believe to better understand one’s faith and worldview, one must look beyond it and see what the whole picture is trying to say, not just a portion of it. In my search and studies of my own faith, I’ve found a natural harmonization of so many myths and ideals from all different faiths, cultures, and traditions that seemingly point to one larger, unified story. So while I do not hold this as a dogmatically driven, systematic theology or catechism, I do admit that many of the things we will explore here belong to their own sacred systems and dogmas in their respective realities which I have simply harmonized through theory and imagination from my perspective and worldview.

So with all that said, I am restating that this is a work of fiction, however, I’ll add nuance to that now. Through all fiction, there is truth. Good fiction points to a greater truth inside the fantasy. Most of what is before you I do actually believe has probable merit in theory. If we look at all the myths and stories our world has told and believed throughout history, there are natural pillars of truth that stick out like a sore thumb. Even in times where scientific fact and mythical legend collide in The Cosmic Wheel, I believe there are threads that can be focused on which can bring real truth and ideals that have merit in reality. This has become my playground in which I study my faith and how the world potentially works in the seen and unseen realms of quantum physics, angels, and devils.

What I want more than anything on this journey is to inspire someone to understand why they believe what they believe and show everyone that you can have fun with that process. If through all my stories within the Cosmic Wheel and through this work in the theology and beastiary of its universe, someone walks away thinking through their own beliefs a little more carefully and with broader imagination, then I’ve done my job. Also, if someone simply wishes to just step into a fantastical world that they can have fun with, my job is also done. You do not have to land in agreement with my worldview to enjoy this work or its stories and I will do my very best to respect the different perspectives you may bring to the table.

So sit back, get nerdy with me, and each month moving forward let’s dive into the universe of The Everlasting Epoch of The Cosmic Wheel…

What Is The Cosmic Wheel? (Part I)

The wheel is not a map, but a living construct of order. At any point, each realm in the construct can and does overlap. Sometimes multiple realms at a time can occupy the same space, usually in those instances two or more realms are warring over said space, be it location or individual person. At the center of this construct is the White Throne, the order which has kept creation in place to save it from chaos and ultimate destruction.

The Beginning

As Yahweh, King of Ages uttered the first words, “Ohr a’ yom me’noranir,” the energy from the Word of Yahweh produced life (Ruakh: divine energy) in the form of a cataclysm that generated space and time, as well as all the matter and energy that has ever been known to our cosmos. It was at this moment that the Temel Wheel was brought to life, ever-growing, ever-expanding further out and further in, with Yahweh at its center. For over 300 million Adamanian years the Word formed the cosmos and prepared it for thriving, sentient life. Finally, when the time was right, through Yahweh’s preordained order of natural law willed through the Word, The Elders were brought into being from stardust and dreams. The Elders (Azathoth, Yog Sothoth, Nyarlathotep, Shub-Nurrath, Hypnos, Nodens, Tulzsha, Ubbo-Sathla, and Abhoth) were The King’s first living, sentient, conscious beings and He welcomed them into the creation process with Him. With their assistance, the Dara Cinn, (who would later be known as The Great Old Ones) were created, then every being from the mighty Seraphim to the meekest Choir-mite was formed and all given responsibilities during the ongoing progress of the cosmos which lasted over 5 billion Adamian years.

While this came to pass, Yahweh established his Council, The Ouranos Elohim to help him govern the cosmos and awaken it to it's fullest potential of life. Through this , he was also creating a deep, loving family. It was here that Yahweh announced that in a small corner of the cosmos, He would be creating a world for image bearers whom he would see as His children and co-heirs: Humans (Adamians). This announcement led to jealousy in the heart of Azathoth, who wanted a world all his own with his own children whom he could rule and be worshiped by. So he began to pursue this in his heart, which led to sharing this vision with the rest of The Elders in their own secret meeting in the dark places of the cosmos. Most went along with him. As Nyarlathotep and his order began forming the sun in the Adamian galaxy (the milky way), Azathoth began producing the fruit of his rebellion in the microscopic fibers of the newly forming planet Earth by creating his own brood; The Elder Children who would take the Earth as their own and begin an evolutionary process that was outside the will of Yahweh and the Council’s plan. During this rebellion, the harmony of the Temel Wheel began to split and chaos began to creep into an otherwise ordered cosmos.

Next month we will pick up with Part 2 and begin to see how Khata enters creation and transforms the Wheel even more as we enter the Creation Wars.


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